Thursday, 11 August 2016

Night of Shaloשm

Are not the days of us forced to labor to finish our works in peace? Truly, every man's state on earth is a state of warfare. We always fought for survival, struggling for progress across all spectrums of life, beginning with the frustrations of life, diseases of body, and various afflictions they have to conflict and grapple with. Get an opportunity to discover the fact that God is at work all around your lives. And gospel is the word of life that brings you victory through Jesus Christ. Come and participate “Night of Shaloשm” with Pastor Shashi Kiran Pulukuri for the unique immersive experience with the life-changing word of Truth.

Let’s be encouraged in the relationship with Christ to have a renewed joy, fulfillment of purpose and the life full of adventure that God intends for us. Let’s not miss this awakening opportunity to cultivate the inner peace that provides abundance to our lives in Jesus name!