Shashi Kiran Pulukuri is a Preacher, Spiritual Counselor
and a Bible Teacher. He is the Senior Pastor of Shalowm Covenant Church. He is principally known for
hosting as a guest speaker in various crusades among Telugu States. He is a trainer for the saints, who are called for ministry by giving them the
ministerial preparations to build the body of Christ. Pastor Shashi operates a
variety of media in releasing various audio and video sermons. He insisted in
making the package of exciting sermons on various great topics like God has a
unique Strategy for You, Restful life, Covenant series, Praise and Worship etc.
Life and Family:
Pastor Shashi Kiran was born on June 10th
1978. He is the eldest of three children born to Mr. Prabhudas Pulukuri, a Retired
Railway Employee and Mrs. Ratna Kumari, a Retired State Government Employee. On
March 23rd 2007, Pastor Shashi married Frankleena, a Dietician. They
both are blessed with two sons Joel Shamgar (8 years) and Joab Manohar (7 years).
Pastor Shashi was raised in Christian believer’s family;
nonetheless he lived as an atheist till 1998. When he felt sick due to some
health conditions, he began trusting God and reading the Bible. Starting to
study the word from that time, Shashi learnt many truths about God that prompted
him to take baptism on April 15th 2001. Accepting the validity of
God’s word and its effectiveness in origin, he commenced doing personal
evangelism and ushered many youth towards God. Though he was blessed with
secular job for some period, he was heeded to the call of full-time Ministry. Soon after, in 2010 Pastor Shashi resigned his
job and started the journey of Full- time Ministry. He became consumed with
knowing and experiencing God, the revelation of His Word and the glory of His
Pastor Shashi Kiran’s ministry continued to enlarge,
prompting the foundation of Shalowm Covenant Church in Hyderabad in
the year of 2015. He started the worship service in Nizampet (at Ashreya Oldage
Home), Hyderabad.
On 2013 Oct 6th, Pastor Shashi was encouraged
to start another service of Shalowm Covenant Church in Tarnaka (at
David Memorial College), Secunderabad.
The Churches are growing in such a way that draws
integrated congregation helped Pastor Shashi renowned as a Speaker and Pastor.
He also began acquainted with local pastors to
strengthen co-pastors and evangelists so to cultivate flourishing ministries.
Indeed, He is also committed to train and equip the leaders, pastors and
evangelists in a creative and effective environment of bible teaching.
As a part of ministry, Pastor Shashi is involving in
Christian counseling in order to help the people regain a sense of Hope for
their life that is found in Jesus Christ. Veritably, Shashi was gifted with
essentials skills in personal and pastorals counseling. He does focus on
physical, psychological, relational, financial, business and family counseling
by means of maintaining the values taught in the word of God. The fulfillment
of his calling is now being witnessed by the Holy Spirit among many, with the signs
and wonders of healing and deliverance.
The preaching of Pastor Shashi is substantially
committed in unveiling people the unconditional love and unending hope found in
personal relationship with Jesus, the Christ. He was dedicated to strengthen
the children of God everywhere be inspired and rediscover their true purpose of
their lives. His ministry is all about exalting the person of Jesus and
pointing people to His finished work at Cross. First and foremost, his sermons
are being a great blessing to the people to recognize the need of establishing
in righteousness of God.
Pastor Shashi has received the ministry of
reconciliation and called to be the witness of Christ Jesus. Understanding His
call to renew the faith in believers he has been working as a pastor in Shalowm Covenant Church. He is often
involved in the commission of preaching, as his role is to teach and testify
the truth. Believing that faith comes through the hearing of word of Christ,
Pastor Shashi preaches the word of Christ in the dimensions of God’s mandate
that results with the blessings of enlargement and sustainability of the lives of many people. To say, He is
obligated to introduce people the true gospel of Christ, to nurture their faith
of all the stages.
Pastor Shashi always says his favorite quote –"Yashua(Jesus) HaMashiach(the Christ) Lived my life on the Cross, Now Iam Living His life(He is Living in me).."
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